
Turborepo is an intelligent build system optimized for JavaScript and TypeScript codebases. It’s a tool that provides a fast and scalable way to manage monorepos. Turborepo uses advanced caching techniques and incremental builds to speed up the development process and reduce build times.

What’s better about this method or library

  1. Speed: Turborepo uses advanced caching techniques and incremental builds to speed up the development process and reduce build times. This can be particularly beneficial for large monorepos with multiple projects.
  2. Scalability: Turborepo is designed to scale with the project. It can handle monorepos with thousands of packages and tens of thousands of files.
  3. Simplicity: Turborepo provides a simple and intuitive command-line interface (CLI) that makes it easy to manage the monorepo. It also integrates with popular development tools such as GitHub and CircleCI.
  4. Flexibility: Turborepo is flexible and can work with a variety of development frameworks and tools. It supports popular package managers such as npm and yarn, and also supports various build tools such as Babel and TypeScript.
  5. Community: Turborepo has a growing community of developers who contribute to the project and provide support through forums and chat channels. This can be helpful for teams that need assistance or guidance with using the tool.

What can we do with it

From a business standpoint:

  1. Faster development times: Caching and incremental build techniques can speed up development times, allowing delivering software faster and more efficiently.
  2. Improved productivity: Monorepo management can help to improve productivity by reducing the time and effort needed to manage large codebases.
  3. Consistency and standardization: Standardized development environment can help to ensure consistency and reduce errors in codebase. This can lead to higher quality software and improved customer satisfaction.
  4. Better collaboration: With all of the code stored in a single repository, Turborepo can improve collaboration between teams and reduce the time needed for code reviews and merges.
  5. Cost savings: By simplifying monorepo management and reducing build times, Turborepo can help to lower development costs and increase overall efficiency.

How should we adopt it

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